
Friday: Room 12 'PLAYS' performances

Plays begin between 10:00 and 10:15 am. We will have 3 plays performed before morning tea, and 3 after. We should be finished by 12:15 at which time we will have a shared lunch.

We will post the order of performance schedule tomorrow.

EVERYONE is welcome, for as long as you like.


Kowhai have won this year's House Competition and as such , get to go to Halswell Pool next Monday from 9:45 - 2:15.

Students in Kowhai were given a permission notice yesterday. It is due back FRIDAY. Students who do not return the notice are not allowed to go. Permission slips can not be returned on Monday morning.

I have added a copy of the notice to the blog, for your information.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Tuesday 30th October

Just a reminder that I will be out of class tomorrow - Mrs Casey is in.

P.S - Sorry Dylan - i had to change the template design as there was a problem with the one you chose -  it made many of the PAGES disappear.

What a busy day today.


For maths the proportions group learned how to work out fractions like 2/3 of 21 or 6/9 of 81.

The ratios group worked on an activity called "Which is bigger?" - This involved working out whether 2/5 is bigger than 3/7 etc.

Here is a link to an activity that helps students to get an understanding of whether a fraction is more than a half, same as a half, or more than a half.

more,same, less than a half

The fractions group did an activity on the computer called Melvin's Make a Match. Here is the link to it if you want to give it a go.

Melvin's Make a Match


Today we shared our sentences and looked at which words in our sentences are VERBS and which are ADJECTIVES.

Some students have published their sentences under the respective photos on the WRITING PAGE.

We are also publishing sentences on paper to put up on the wall. We will take a photo of these in a few days and put it up on the blog.


Group 2 focused on using a dictionary and thesaurus to look up words from the ZIMBABWE reading.
Group 1discussed how Ina felt being new to a school in NZ, all the way from Rarotonga - and how she joined the Polynesian Dance Group at her school. This made Ina happy because she could do the 'Ura dance.
We tried to look up the dance on You Tube but You Tube wasn't working well so we will try it on Thursday.

We also checked our Zimbabwe facts. Some students had found information about festivals. We didn't get much of a chance to share these although some students, for their independent research, went on the internet on search of information on festivals.

We will discuss these on Friday as students are still doing research.

Some students searched for information on vegetable gardens while some got down to the business of designing the bird platform.


After lunch the Rising Stars met in the hall to learn the 2nd of 3 dances for the gala. This one was a traditional English (England) folk dance. This was done in large circles.


After the dancing we were invited by room 13 to joint them and listen to Jessica Patel's mum talk about Indian culture and Diwali - the festival of lights.

We learned many things about life in India, schooling -  they still have the strap -, food and a heap about Diwali.

We also got to sample some authentic food from where Jessica's mum was born. Delicious.

Here is a photo of Jessica, her brother and mother.

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