
Friday: Room 12 'PLAYS' performances

Plays begin between 10:00 and 10:15 am. We will have 3 plays performed before morning tea, and 3 after. We should be finished by 12:15 at which time we will have a shared lunch.

We will post the order of performance schedule tomorrow.

EVERYONE is welcome, for as long as you like.


Kowhai have won this year's House Competition and as such , get to go to Halswell Pool next Monday from 9:45 - 2:15.

Students in Kowhai were given a permission notice yesterday. It is due back FRIDAY. Students who do not return the notice are not allowed to go. Permission slips can not be returned on Monday morning.

I have added a copy of the notice to the blog, for your information.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Thursday 18th October

This afternoon we had a challenge. As part of our social sciences learning this term we are working on the big understanding that:  

We all belong somewhere and have rights and responsibilities

On Tuesday we shared all the different countries and cultures we feel make us who we are. This included French, Irish, Australian, British, Taiwanese, Chinese, South Korean, Zimbabwean, Welsh... and a whole host more.

Today we went the next step and decided to locate these countries using an atlas, a large world wall map and a globe. First we identified the countries we need to locate. So, for French, we need to locate France; for Irish, we needed to locate Ireland etc.

The countries above the red writing are those of ourselves or our parents, while those below are from our grandparents and before.

Not as easy as it sounds. We had ten minutes to use the different resources to locate as many countries as possible. But Mr Forman put a twist on it. He said that after the ten minutes of searching and locating, we would come back to the mat and have a BOYS V GIRLS country locating challenge.

Here are some pictures of the ten minutes we spent searching and locating.

 Oh.... and the GIRLS won the 'locate the country' challenge with Beth locating FRANCE to secure the win for the girls.


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