
Friday: Room 12 'PLAYS' performances

Plays begin between 10:00 and 10:15 am. We will have 3 plays performed before morning tea, and 3 after. We should be finished by 12:15 at which time we will have a shared lunch.

We will post the order of performance schedule tomorrow.

EVERYONE is welcome, for as long as you like.


Kowhai have won this year's House Competition and as such , get to go to Halswell Pool next Monday from 9:45 - 2:15.

Students in Kowhai were given a permission notice yesterday. It is due back FRIDAY. Students who do not return the notice are not allowed to go. Permission slips can not be returned on Monday morning.

I have added a copy of the notice to the blog, for your information.

The UNITED NATIONS of room 12

Welcome to the UNITED NATIONS of room 12 page.

This term we are looking at our connections.

Our big understanding is that:

 we all belong somewhere and have rights and responsibilities

We are on the first part of our big understanding: We all belong somewhere.

We are looking at the countries with which we have a connection.

Here are our connections:


We have been learning about some of these countries.

In week 4 we learned about ZIMBABWE.

We learned about the flag of Zimbabwe and what the colours represented.

Here is the Zimbabwe reading we did

On Friday we welcomed, Joyful, Rudo's mum, to the classroom. Joyful was a teacher in Zimbabwe so we were really excited to learn about school life there. It is much different to our school here.
We asked many questions about festivals, the flag, money, and school life.
Here is some of the information Joyful shared with us.  



We are beginning a research project on some of the countries with which we have a connection.
You can do the research in class or at home.


Click here for the reading on Wales


Click here for the reading on Taiwan

South Korea

Click on the image to view Jonathan's amazing powerpoint presentation on South Korea. Unfortunately you can't view the mini movies or animated slides here. You can get a copy from Mr Forman if you would like one.


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