
Friday: Room 12 'PLAYS' performances

Plays begin between 10:00 and 10:15 am. We will have 3 plays performed before morning tea, and 3 after. We should be finished by 12:15 at which time we will have a shared lunch.

We will post the order of performance schedule tomorrow.

EVERYONE is welcome, for as long as you like.


Kowhai have won this year's House Competition and as such , get to go to Halswell Pool next Monday from 9:45 - 2:15.

Students in Kowhai were given a permission notice yesterday. It is due back FRIDAY. Students who do not return the notice are not allowed to go. Permission slips can not be returned on Monday morning.

I have added a copy of the notice to the blog, for your information.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Thursday 25 October

 Dancing - preparation for the school GALA

I liked that we did some zumba dances today - Sammy W

I liked learning about the new dances -  it was really cool -Dylan

I liked learning new dances because it was from different cultures and was really cool - Isabella


We are focusing on increasing our vocbulary - specifically powerful verbs and adjectives, as well as adverbs.

Today we had two pictures that we could write about. Before we wrote we brainstormed as many verbs and adjectives related to the pictures as we could think of.

Here are some of the words we came up with

 Map Skills Session

Today we used different types of world maps to locate all the countries associated with Room 12.

Sean, Alex, Cameron and Jonathan are proud to inform the girls that they were first finished and have scored one point for the boys.


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